Note: Click on Part Number for corresponding data sheet.
Part Number | Dimensions (mm) | 868 MHz | 915 MHz | 2.4 GHz | 5 GHz | 6 GHz |
RAC00868 | 30.0 x 16.9 x 1.9 | X | ||||
RAC00915 | 30.0 x 16.9 x 1.9 | X | ||||
RAC00024 | 12.5 x 7.2 x 1.9 | X | ||||
RAC00245 | 13.0 x 8.8 x 2.0 | X | X | |||
RAC02456 | 13.0 x 8.8 x 2.0 | X | X | X |
Many of the most demanding wireless applications rely on external antennas to achieve the required performance. External antennas can be costly, a susceptible failure point, and lead to unattractive enclosure designs. CEL is bringing a family of innovative, metamaterial, PCB mount antennas to market that will deliver the performance of external antennas while keeping the antenna inside the product housing. With industry leading efficiency and minimal input rejection, these new antennas provide the highest performance in a miniature footprint.
Find out more on what we do, see the results we’ve achieved for other clients, and meet our highly experienced team who can solve anything.
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